When you work for an small or medium sized business (SMB) you have to be a little bit mad. You take chances, jump in with both feet, move quickly and do it all with a focus on growth (everything has to be about growth). These are all of the reasons we love working with SMBs, […]
Personalize your Marketing with Merge Variables
Compelling content is what makes a prospect want to buy your product or service. But as much as we marketers don’t want to believe it, producing generic content just doesn’t cut it anymore. Personal relationships that once were built face-to-face have now become just as important when trying to sell online. Taking a more personal approach […]
Introducing simpler, more flexible, pricing plans starting at just $25/mo
We’re excited to announce that starting this week, we are changing our pricing model here at Blitzen. After a lot of conversations with our early adopters and prospective customers we’ve found that our initial tiered pricing model was not the most optimal for serving our small & medium business clients that are looking to jumpstart […]
Blitzen Form Styling Guide
At the moment, Blitzen offers you some accessible design options to customize your form. These include the ability to change colors, textbox inputs, as well as header images and submit buttons. These options and more can be found in the Design tab of your form. But today we’re going to show you just how much more you can do with Cascading Style […]
Convert More Website Visitors into Customers with Copywriting
The increase in data-driven marketing strategies is on the rise. People want to see their marketing expenses manipulate the numbers in their businesses that matter most. Whether it’s your ROI, lead generation, or brand awareness, there’s one place you can start to increase these numbers – and it’s web copy. After being featured on Product […]
Why SMB SaaS is Going to Eat the World (and Enterprise’s Lunch)
Why SMB SaaS is Going to Eat the World (and Enterprise’s Lunch) As you probably already know, Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is increasingly becoming the de facto standard of software delivery. Especially when it comes to martech. Just glance at this infographic by Chief Martech and you’ll agree there’s an astounding number of SaaS tools specializing in different […]
Improve your Marketing with UTM Codes
Without tracking codes in place, your marketing team is essentially driving down the highway with their eyes closed. Don’t throw your marketing budget away hoping to prove your ROI but track and measure your efforts each step a lead takes. Become a better marketer with uniquely built UTM codes. What is it? UTM’s and Query Parameters are “codes […]
How to Save Time on your CRM Data Entry
One common goal that all companies share is sales efficiency. If the lifecycle of your average sale gets to be too long, that means you will probably start losing deals. Even with so many great CRM tools on the market to help organize and speed up your sales, there are still some shortcomings, the biggest one […]
8 Lead Generation Forms to Increase Conversions
Think about it – they’re everywhere. You could have thousands of visitors to your site daily, but the difference between capitalizing off those visitors and deterring them to sign up is in the forms. Wherever you have to input information about you or your business, you’re filing a form. Signing into a website, putting in […]
3 Tools for Proving Your Marketing ROI
We’ve heard it time and time again; marketing ROI can’t be proven because the impact of your marketing activities is too intangible. Well we’re here to burst your bubble. Even though marketing ROI is notoriously difficult to measure, there are so many great tools to help you prove marketing ROI, and better yet, predict future success! […]