While the rest of the world was enjoying some much deserved rest and relaxation on Sunday, the Blitzen team was in the office. Don’t feel sorry for us though, because this time we were playing host to the co-founder of reddit (acquired in 2006), Alexis Ohanian, as part of his Oktoberfest layover and mission to document local startup happenings for the Verge.
When he and his team entered our humble abode, there was a little bit of tension in the room. After all, he has accomplished what we’re all in the midst of working extremely hard to accomplish – startup success. But, in less than a minute, we were all disarmed and it became clear that Alexis Ohanian is just a humble guy, doing what he likes to do, and doing it very well. Perhaps this humility is due to his recognition that big success is a mixture of hard work and luck. When asked to reflect on his success in a recent MetroNews article, Alexis said, “I’m the first to admit that an amount of serendipity goes into that”.
That explains the personality that doesn’t match the accomplishments. I’m sure he fit right in during his stay in Ontario Canada.
After some laughs, rides down our green fire pole, and stories of just how friendly Canadians have been to him, he and the Verge team were headed back to their home in Brooklyn NY.
Thanks again for having us. Keep shipping & all the best!
Thanks – we’re working on it. We actually just got chosen to represent Canada at Startup Nations in South Korea to pitch for some extra cash and get a chance to meet with some larger companies (potential customers). Pretty pumped! A lot of good stuff happening for us right now.