If you haven’t heard the news already, Blitzen has been chosen to be Canada’s only representative at Startup Nations 2014 in Seoul Korea!
Co-founder Josh Wright will take flight for Seoul Korea on an all expenses paid trip thanks to Startup Canada and Startup Nations. Upon landing, he’ll get right to work, preparing to pitch for $100k cash and the reputation of Canada’s burgeoning startup ecosystem. He’ll also have a chance to meet with some of the most impressive global brands headquartered in Seoul Korea – brands he’d like to make our happy customers!
By the way, a significant chunk of the competition is based on public vote. As a country with a tiny population, we’re at a disadvantage here. We are truly thankful for anyone who takes a minute to give their vote, and we want you to know that it makes a difference.
To vote:
- Click here.
- Then, hover over “Blitzen” and click “vote”. You’ll see a popup that asks you to sign up first. Click “Ok”.
- Register with your Facebook or Google account. Follow the instructions. None of the permissions are malicious. They won’t post anything to your accounts on your behalf.
- Vote for Blitzen and Canada!
- Then, take to Twitter and LinkedIn and tell the world you voted for Blitzen & Canada! If using Twitter, we’re @BlitzenApp.
While surprising, this opportunity didn’t come out of left field – it’s been a crazy and successful year. We’re tackling a huge and expensive problem in SaaS fragmentation, and it’s being recognized. Still, Canada is pumping out some amazing companies with world class talent, so to be singled out really is an honour.
Techvibes showed us some love here. Also, as a result of being chosen for Startup Nations, we were also chosen for the Techvibes 20 October 2014 Edition which features Canada’s hottest and most promising startups! Communitech, our first home, did an awesome piece as well – see it here. Finally, Betakit hit out of the park with their coverage here.
Again, a special thank you to Startup Canada for pumping our story out to their thousands of Twitter followers!
If you only do two things today, vote and share this story with anyone that might be interested.
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